The Faculty of Syariah and Law (FSU) is organising an International Conference on Syariah and Law (ICONSYAL 2023) with the aim of gathering scholars, academics, government representatives and non-government agencies involved in the vast field of Syariah and law. The theme wil be "Towards Sustainable Solutions in Addressing the Global Rise in Cost of Living".
The purpose of this conference is to intensify efforts in empowering the culture of knowledge among academicians, scholars and members of the public. This is done by providing an avenue for them to share their knowledge and the product of their research and creating a space for healthy discussions among subject matter experts, academicians, policy makers, NGOs, members of public and students. The findings of the conference will be compiled into resolutions as useful inputs that will assist stakeholders in addressing the current challenges and issues faced by the ummah.
This conference is organised in collaboration with Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA), Brunei and Universitas Islam Negeri, Raden Mas Said, Surakarta Indonesia as part of our wide global network.
Publication Opportunities
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